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HI-EMT Sculpt

How does HI-EMT work?

Electromagnetic muscle stimulation is an energy-based treatment that has been used for some time. It is recognised as a safe and effective treatment for musculoskeletal conditions as well as resistance training. Currently, the only way to strengthen core muscle groups is a physical workout. HI-EMT technology can induce almost 20,000 pulses in a single 30-minute session. That amounts to more than 10,000 sit ups! These pulses stimulate nerves leading to supramaximal muscle contractions (100% muscle contraction) which are not achievable through exercise. The muscles are forced to adapt resulting in muscle thickening. Muscles become stronger, more resistant and grow in size.

Which body parts are best for HI-EMT Sculpt? 


What muscles can be targeted with HI-EMT?

HI-EMT can be used to target the abdominal muscles, the gluteal muscles in the buttocks, muscles of the thighs and shoulders. HI-EMT is especially good at strengthening the core with studies demonstrating almost 16% increase in muscle size in the abdomen. Studies have also demonstrated increased abdominal mass growth in upto 95% of patients after a full course of treatment. Overall satisfaction levels are very high for treatment of all muscle groups especially in the buttock region.

Can HI-EMT reduce fat?

Yes! Research on high intensity muscle training has shown that a fat destroying (lipolytic) reaction takes place in fat lying next to contracting muscle. HI-EMT treatment has been found to simultaneously affect the subcutaneous fat as well as muscle by boosting fat metabolism in a similar manner. Scans of patients following HI-EMT treatment have found reductions in fat as well as increases in muscle size. These changes in fat reduction are long lasting as long as the patient maintains their weight with good diet and regular exercise. Studies have shown on average 19% reduction in fat along with 15% increase in muscles around the tummy.

How many times and how often should I have the treatments?

Recommended number of treatments is a minimum 4. The treatment is typically 30 minutes per session, with sessions separated by at least two days. Completing a full treatment series is necessary to maximize treatment efficacy. You may need additional treatments depending on your goals.


How does HI-EMT compare to EMS?

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) devices are widely available for use at home. EMS uses electrical pulses to mimic the action of nerves supplying muscles. These mild electrical currents stimulate muscle and cause them to contract. EMS devices help to tone and firm muscle but the effects are temporary and do not result in any muscle growth. In contrast, HI-EMT creates pulsating magnetic fields that penetrate skin and fat and produce muscle contractions. The contractions are stronger, more rapid and sustained at a rate far greater than EMS or exercise. The resulting muscle strengthening and growth is greater and longer lasting.


There is minimal discomfort associated with HI-EMT. By the 2nd or 3rd session patients are usually able to tolerate powers of up to 100% without any discomfort. There is minimal discomfort afterwards. There is no downtime associated with HI-EMT and patients are able to continue with all their normal daily activities.


Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) devices are widely available for use at home. EMS uses electrical pulses to mimic the action of nerves supplying muscles. These mild electrical currents stimulate muscle and cause them to contract. EMS devices help to tone and firm muscle but the effects are temporary and do not result in any muscle growth. In contrast, HI-EMT creates pulsating magnetic fields that penetrate skin and fat and produce muscle contractions. The contractions are stronger, more rapid and sustained at a rate far greater than EMS or exercise. The resulting muscle strengthening and growth is greater and longer lasting.

  • Metal or electronic implants

  • Cardiac pacemakers, implanted defibrillators, implanted neurostimulators

  • Drug pumps

  • Pulmonary insufficiency

  • Malignant tumor 

  • Fever 

  • Metallic IUD 

  • Sensitivity or allergy to latex

Hemorrhagic conditions: 

  • Injured or otherwise impaired muscles 

  • Heart disorders

  • Epilepsy

  • Recent surgical procedures (muscle contraction may disrupt healing)

  • Areas of the skin which lack normal sensation

Medical Disclaimer

The content provided on this website about our services is intended to educate potential clients about the benefits and not to imply that there may exist an actual cure to any disease or condition. Medical conditions must be treated by a doctor and we recommend consulting your doctor before engaging in any services. Our marketing materials have not been approved, funded nor researched by the FDA. Our services are intended to be spa service in nature and not an alternative to actual medical treatment for skin conditions, respiratory issues or any other medical-related concerns.

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